Category Archives: Ride Reports

Southern Ride Report – January 2015

IMC Southern Ride Report – January 2015 Despite the massive thunderstorm that hit Hobart the previous night, and waking up on club ride day to the sound of rain on the roof, the motorcycle gods were looking after us and … Continue reading

Posted in 2015, Ride Reports |

Southern Ride Report – March 2018

blah blah

Posted in 2018, Ride Reports |

NW Ride Report – January 2015

JANUARY 2015 RIDE REPORT: ITALIAN MOTORCYCLE CLUB NW BRANCH Sunday 18 January, IMC North-West’s regular ride day, dawned less windy than the two previous days, but not by much, and at least there was no rain in sight. It was … Continue reading

Posted in 2015, Ride Reports | Tagged |

Southern Ride Report – February 2018

Southern Ride Report – Sunday 4 February Ride through Ferntree, to Longley, to Margate, to Cygnet, through Geeveston to the Tahune Airwalk and back to Geeveston finishing at the Car & Bike Show.

Posted in 2018, Ride Reports |

2014 Ride Reports

  February 2014 Ride Day

Posted in 2014, Ride Reports |